Saturday, December 31, 2011

Same Procedure as every Year

If counted well the  Germans today can/could watch Dinner for one (The 90th Birthday) - history here - 16 times at different times on various TV-channels, and aside from the original in various German dialects inclusive a Swiss version.
Very strange folks, the Germans.
Well, judge for yourself.

Tiny tip-off: Be absolutely determined not to laugh.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

The longer Omnium exists ...

the less worth it is.

The peace of the night.

Where there is a will ...

... there is no way.

No one will come to know why I laughed til I cried, yesterday night.

Neither there will anyone come to know why I (almost) desperately cried tonight.

[At least, not now.]

... ' cause I would not tell, which again would be another story.

Laughter and sadness: siblings they are.

Thus, to all who – despite I do find amazing that so many people in 2011 would still be conditioned to believe in what they have been told in their youth:

Don't start thinking (yourself). Just enjoy what you have been taught to think you believe: Merry whatever. 

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Nothing to share

(Even when you are longing:)
Sadness can not be shared.

You may talk about to one person, to ten, to hundreds.

Even if being empathic: No one will feel the same. None will (be able to) share your sadness.

Same goes for love, for any of your feelings. They are unique. 

You are unique.

I am unique.

The peace of the night.


And what is when they grow 232 kg of sweet corn to produce one litre of ethanol?

Now, that's organised stupidity / crime.

I am not willing to share.
Kestrel, not in need of maize/ethanol.

Friday, December 09, 2011